Class Gifts

Class of 2025 Gift

Promote, Protect and Restore Health & Wellbeing

The class of 2025 knows how important mental health services and wellbeing programing are to all UW students. This year, the class has chosen University Health Services; Mental Health Services; programming specifically for senior students as the 2025 Class Gift. The gift is focused on access for all seniors with the vision that all Badgers transition into alumni hood flourishing in a pluralism society, living out the Wisconsin Idea.

Donate Now

Progress: 17 Gifts Received, $2,360 Raised


Upcoming Events:

Real Talk:  Navigating Life Post-Graduation Presentation followed by Panel Discussion  

  • April 29, 2025 from 4:00 – 6:00 p.m., Memorial Union; Room TBD
  • Panel consists of recent graduates, graduate students, and early career professionals          

Zero Proof, Here’s The Truth: Making Friends After Graduation Takes Work

  • April 30, 2025 from 4:00-6:00 p.m., Bakke Kitchen
  • Come make NA cocktails with us as we converse about finding community after graduation. We will provide a recipe book, that includes both drinks and tips for meeting new people and building community.    

Caps & Conversations with Wheelhouse Studios (Drop-In Event)

  • May 1, 2025 from 4:00-6:00 p.m., Memorial Union (Lower Level); Wheelhouse Studios
  • Seniors will have an opportunity to decorate their graduation caps while engaging in facilitated discussions centering the anxieties of change and transition.

Class of 2024 Gift

The Institute for Diversity Science (IDS) and its affiliated researchers conduct basic, applied, and translational research on the causes of group-based discrimination and effective ways to eliminate them. It provides an intellectual hub and collaborative research infrastructure for diversity scientists from all colleges and schools of the University of Wisconsin–Madison. The Institute is focused on finding actionable evidence about what works to create environments where everyone can flourish, regardless of their background.




Class of 2023 Gift

With the goal of institutionalizing the practice of well-being at UW-Madison, we are excited to announce The Center for Healthy Minds Higher Education Fund as the recipient of the 2023 Senior Class Gift!

The Center for Healthy Minds operates with a mission to cultivate well-being and relieve suffering through a scientific understanding of the mind while envisioning a kinder, wiser, and more compassionate world. Faced with mental and physical challenges at a global scale, the center conducts scientific research rooted in neuroscience to bring new insights aimed at improving the well-being of people of all backgrounds and ages, and to answer one basic question: What constitutes a healthy mind?

Student leaders at UW-Madison are taking the initiative in making these ideals a priority at UW-Madison by launching Healthy Minds on Campus, a student organization designed to extend the center’s research and practices to all corners of campus in a tangible way. Donations to the Center for Healthy Minds Higher Education Fund through the Senior Class Gift support this student-initiated organization that will work to systematically improve the well-being of every student at UW-Madison through their monthly guest speaker events focused on mental health, well-being, and flourishing, their community conversations intended as a forum for students to discuss mental health and well-being with their peers, increased awareness, and an annual mental health and well-being retreat. Your support of the Center for Healthy Minds Higher Education Fund will help advance the development of this work that is reflective of student and campus mental health goals and will set forth a standard for a mental-health awareness model that can be spread to campuses across the nation. 

Visit our JumpStart page to donate, learn more, and engage in the 2023 Senior Class Gift. 

Class of 2022 Gift

We’re so excited to announce that this year, the Senior Class Office, led by the Pail & Shovel party, is partnering with the Green Fund as the 2022 Senior Class Gift!

Through the Office of Sustainability, the Green Fund helps fund student initiated projects like energy efficient greenhouse cooling systems and solar arrays on campus buildings to help address environmental footprint, social impact, and operating costs of campus facilities. While these projects reduce greenhouse gas emissions and save operating costs, they simultaneously inspire learning, research, and career paths for students as well as new campus standards.

Learn more about how to get involved and engage in the 2022 Senior Class Gift

Class of 2021 Gift

We are beyond excited to announce the Social Justice Hub as the recipient of the 2021 Senior Class Gift!

The Social Justice Hub in the Office of Inclusion Education is a growing program that provides direct experience to students to further develop their skills to engage in social justice work and to improve the quality of life for all. Your donation to the Social Justice Hub through the Senior Class Gift supports student internships, enables action teams to address the most urgent needs on campus, expands its collaborations and connections, and deepens discussions, activities, and the level of engagement with students and campus partners.

The Social Justice Hub supports UW-Madison and the surrounding community by empowering student voices, uplifting communities, promoting equity and accessibility, and spearheading campus collaborations. With a rich history of student advocacy, the Social Justice Hub has always been a place for students to grow, learn and build relationships. Your support of the Social Justice Hub will help continue the development of its work that is reflective of the student and campus needs.

Learn more about how to get involved and engage in the 2021 Senior Class Gift

Class of 2020 Gift

Thousands of bandanas can be seen on the backpacks of UW-Madison students, each individually serving as a sign of support and solidarity for those with mental illnesses. Collectively, the bandanas convey a larger message to students who may be struggling: hope. As of fall 2018, the NAMI-UW Bandana Project has distributed more than 6,000 bandanas on campus and actively collaborates with UWPD and UHS in its programming.

Because of its impact at UW, as well as to further support the initiative, SCO chose to raise funds for NAMI as part of its 2020 senior class gift. This gift is dedicated to making a difference on campus and beyond.

Class of 2019 Gift

The Class of 2019 decided to focus the class gift towards honoring the 150th anniversary of women earning undergraduate degrees at UW-Madison. We invite you to learn more about this important history of our campus, and about how you can be part of this legacy by supporting the Senior Class Gift benefiting the In Her Honor fund, a fund dedicated to the empowerment of women, wellbeing, and the world. Choose to make a gift today and support the University and a future for all graduates yet to come.

You can learn more about inspiring women at UW at